Venus is on the move again, leaving behind the idealistic realm of dreamy Pisces and forward into hot & fast Aries. Whereas in Pisces Venus saw us growing spiritually from our relationships (and increasingly aware and concerned when we were not) and managing to find happiness in even in less than ideal circumstances, in Aries Venus asks, ‘what have you done for me lately?’
Aries is the first sign in the intricate cycle of psychological and spiritual development represented by the 12 signs of the zodiac, and Aries is intensely physical. Venus, which is our pleasure principle, becomes excited by athleticism, physical form, competition and achievement.
Libidos increase as does the possibility of infatuation, impulsiveness and self-motivated behavior. If there is an Aries signature in the chart of a woman Venus’ transit will tend to increase her desire for ‘alpha’ traits in a partner while men will tend to attract dominant, athletic women with a youthful demeanor.
This is a good time to fall in love with the beauty and grace of the human form, cultivate your strength and vitality with a toning exercise program, go on active, adventurous dates.
This is not the time for subtle manipulation but rather for direct, proactive communication. Whereas Venus can tend to be over-compromising in relationships, we will now be more independent, demanding clear assurance that we are being appreciated for what we bring to the table and are at least being met half-way.