Let’s step back in time for just a second. Take a deep breath, and think: What were your major lessons, challenges and windfalls in 2016?
For most of last year Saturn was trudging forward through the nakshatra Jyeshtha in the sign of Scorpio. Saturn’s retrograde motion since April 6th is moving back into this placement starting today. Now, this is giving us the opportunity to revisit what we were up to last year and make sure that the foundations are in order. If not, there will be a major restructuring during this period. What area of life is specifically impacted depends on your sign & personal chart placements.
Collectively, this transit didn’t make 2016 an easy year. Jyestha nakshatra is associated with war, terrorism, the oil and defense industries, wealth and paranoia. Is it any surprise that Donald Trump has his natal Moon here? His election truly was a sign of the times. Inward groan. Maybe there will be a reckoning for 45 during this transit – it is a strong possibility given factors in his own natal chart.
For the rest of us, the opportunity is to do the deep work on ourselves. Are you up to transforming emotional fears and psychological complexes into wisdom and strength? It’s rare that there’s an easy solution to a complex problem, so be patient with yourself if you choose to face the challenge of diving into the depths. Channel your courage and be aware that there may be delays or even depression in the face of necessary change.
Yoga, Meditation and the Tryambakam Mantra (also called the Rudra Mantra) are powerful practices for bringing internal peace, purifying karma and stilling the mind during this time.
If you have a strong Saturn in your chart by placement or dasha, or are Sidereal Aries and Scorpio Ascendants, you could be feeling the pressure. For Capricorn, Gemini or Virgo there are opportunities for wealth building. For Aquarius it could go either way.
One of the lovely symbols of Jyestha is a protective, circular amulet. If you work with crystals for healing or protection then now is the time to pull out these gifts from Gaia, especially while Venus is in Taurus June 29 to July 26. You could have some very interesting experiences!
Remember, we are all forever in a process of becoming and wherever we are is perfect.
Image: Scarab Amulet, Egypt, New Kingdom