MOON FORECAST – June 23, 2017
Today’s new moon in Sidereal Gemini ushers in a cycle of passion, exploration and dancing with necessary change. The invitation is for us to use intellect and communication to manage sudden opportunities and weather emotional storms skillfully.
The Sun and Moon are meeting in a tiny slice of the sky known as Ardra nakshatra, and are sharing it with Mercury and Mars. This is a lot of planetary energy in one of the zodiac’s most intelligent but disruptive lunar mansions, and when those 2 qualities come together something memorable of the shake-up variety can occur.
Ardra is called the Star of Applied Effort and has a transformational quality, bringing the storm that washes away the dead wood and ultimately leaves the world refreshed. Think of the wave of relief we feel after the break-up fight ending a toxic relationship that we knew we had to let go of. It might feel shocking in the moment but ultimately we’re left renewed, empowered and more in alignment with our truth.
Congruency of our personal identity, values, ambitions, and happiness is a major theme this month. Next month’s full moon conjunct Pluto will deepen the transformational process that this month’s surprises can initiate.
Be confident! This is a time for exploring options, experimenting and taking action from a place of curiosity and non-attachment. Loops of analysis paralysis or anxious indecision are not serving you now. Take advantage of Mars’ gift of courage and principled determination to get moving, otherwise its combustion with the Sun could create frustration.
In Gemini we have permission to play and explore. Remember, we almost never have to get it right the first time.
💙 Only love 💙