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Lunar Eclipse in Vishaka Nakshatra
15 May 2022


May 22, 2022


How deep are you willing to go? Can you embrace + integrate your primordial truth without compromise? Do you have the courage to let go of what’s in the way?
Oooh this is a big one. The current eclipse cycle kicked off 2 weeks ago with a disruptive solar eclipse in Sidereal Aries, itching for us to bring something new into the world but perhaps frustrating us with the awareness that creating something of value takes time. This was intimated by Bharani nakshatra, the star of effort, of birthing + of restraint. Think the necessary gestation period for a successful pregnancy, whether physical or that new business or the new you that you are growing, developing + nurturing to introduce to the world. Solar eclipses impact us for a year or longer.
Along comes tonight’s lunar eclipse with an insight or circumstance impacting us with the immediacy of a lightning bolt. Maybe uncomfortable or perhaps bringing relief by providing a glimpse of our true vision or the next step to take to create that new project or version of ourselves, You 2.0 if you will.
An increasingly fractured + fearful world needs humans who are deeply connected to themselves + their truth. Shadow sides of Vishakha nakshatra are being overly compromising for the sake of others, or being afraid to make a committed choice regarding its path in the world.
So often I see warm, passionate + talented Vishakhas tripped up, unable to choose between 2 major options. Falling into this trap typically results in feeling unfulfilled + not truly succeeding at their goals. But when Vishakha fully commits to its vision + mission it is a true force for manifestation and success.
This Scorpio eclipse invites us to look deeply into ourselves, to embrace our primordial truth and to make the choice that enlivens our souls. Falling in ashtamsha pada this will likely threaten our comfort or sense of security + requires letting something go. But there is no greater peace + confidence than being in alignment with our purpose + true self.
Take some down time + allow the illumination of insight to appear. And listen.

Are you currently

  • Navigating a major shift or life transition?
  • Timing important decisions that impact your career, finances, relocation, surgery, travel, pregnancy or something else?
  • Experiencing traumatic events, wondering how + when they’ll resolve?

Are you seeking insight + guidance on

  • Life challenges, important relationships, education or something else?
  • Whether marriage or children are in your karma, and if so when?
  • If it is a good time to exit a relationship that seems to have run its course?
  • How to best nurture your child as a parent – their unique talents + needs?
  • Embracing + navigating your recent spiritual awakening?

Are you ready to discover

  • Your authentic purpose + life path?
  • How to expand self awareness?
  • The karmic key to your living more happily, confidently + in flow?
  • The next steps on your healing or awakening journey?

Astrology for clarity and answers

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