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Distrust of Authority + The Desire to Bond
03 July 2020







1 July 2020


What’s happening w Covid in July? ⠀


Well, the news isn’t great. Distrust of authority coupled w the natural desire to bond socially & generate business income will result in higher Covid numbers & deaths. New, useful research will also be released this month, but w Mars squaring Mercury it will be a challenge to convince anyone of anything outside of their entrenched opinions. ⠀


Mars is in Uttarabhadra nakshatra, symbolized by the back legs of the funeral cot. It moves to Revati nakshatra 7/17 which is associated w transitioning from the earth plane & being safely guided through that process. These transits suggest Covid deaths rising. All month Mars is aspected by retrograde Saturn in autocratic Uttarashada nakshatra, showing thwarted governmental efforts to reimpose caution & lockdowns. The public simply isn’t having it.


Rahu & Mercury in Sidereal Gemini help us sift through the confusing & deliberately manipulated data available on the internet & in choose-your-favorite media outlet. The fickle, seeking nature of Rahu in Mrigasira is enhanced by research-driven Mercury in Ardra w the truth-loving Sun. But that square from Mars brings intensity & battles over solutions. Mental processes in their purest form are Mercurial – light & dextrous, discriminating & neutral. But the recent return of retro Jupiter & Pluto to Sagittarius has infused intellectual curiosity at best with idealistic agendas for reform, & at worst muddied already incorrect data w dogmatic & fanatical ideology. Impervious to the politicization of health, Ketu which is the virus itself grinds through its own nakshatra of Mula, strengthened by Jupiter’s return to its sign.⠀


Staying objective w coronavirus isn’t always easy. There’s so much obvious governmental & media corruption in the USA, where I’ve been for the duration of the lockdown.  However I always do my best to set personal politics aside & honor as sacred whatever information shows up in the current astrology & prasnas.⠀


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