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Resetting our Compass
06 May 2020





1 May 2020


☀️ How different does the world look? As many of us begin to return outside w fresh eyes & hearts, May is a month to renew clarity regarding what our soul desires & to set our compass to true north. Times of change allow for enormous creativity that can be applied to almost any area of life. Sun in Sidereal Aries gives us confidence to make our own decisions & inspires us to create our own destiny & healing.

Universe supports our aiming for something higher, beyond mere self-interest w Jupiter in neecha-bhanga yoga. What would it look & feel like to make the soul’s desires & inspirations truly alive? The result could surprise & free us. The protection & valuing of natural resources will create a better world for all life.

Mid-month Jupiter, Saturn & Venus station retrograde, not the ideal time to launch a new enterprise though this retrograde season happens to be an excellent time to be receptive to our truth & inspiration thanks to Venus & Neptune’s positions. Hold off until September for an important launch, or have a good astrologer find an auspicious time if you are on an earlier deadline.

Lockdowns started to ease yesterday as fiery Mars moved into Aquarius. This kicked off a strong drive for freedom along w stirrings of political unrest. The full moon 5/7 in Libra is beset by challenging, separative influences. Rhetoric pushing personal liberty will struggle w the socially responsible agenda of Libra & by the new moon 5/22 in Taurus we will see agendas shift more obviously to favor immediate economic concerns. As I said last month, the easing of restrictions in May is optimistic; the number of CoVid deaths will continue high this month.

May brings fresh enthusiasm to participate in life, to explore our relationship to the material & to define who we want to be in the world. We can appreciate this retrograde season as a destined time to brainstorm the most ecological goals in life & to plan practical steps to see those realized. By ecological I mean exploring the impact of our goals on ourselves, on others, on society & on the world. All is One.



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